Workshops • May 13th, 2024
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Elevating Your Impact: From Technical Expert to Strategic GIS Leader
The role of GIS in almost all organizations is evolving from a technical system to an integrative, enterprise-wide capability that provides a unique perspective to solve many business challenges. This half-day workshop is intended to help existing GIS professionals, and those new to GIS in a management position, transition from a technical “What and How” focus on GIS technology to a strategic, value-oriented “Who and Why” mindset around what a GIS can contribute to the organization. The workshop will explore the role of GIS in addressing organizational business needs outside of the traditional “Mapping” view and will provide participants tools and strategies for effectively communicating GIS value to stakeholders.
Registration: $250+tax. For group discounts please email

Chris North
43 North GIS Consulting Inc.
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Introduction to Open-Source Geospatial Stack: QGIS, GeoServer, QGIS Server, Web & Mobile Clients
Gain insights on the possibilities and challenges with leveraging and integrating a complete open-source GIS stack into your applications and projects.
The first half of the morning involves high level presentations showcasing use case scenarios and highlighting strengths and limitations of each tool. This session is designed for managers, analysts, and non-technical individuals to discover and learn about what open-source GIS tools are available, whether these tools fit their needs, and what the potential challenges are in implementing them.
The second half of the morning goes deeper into the nuts and bolts of implementation.
Registration: $150+tax. For group discounts please email

Regie Alam
Geospatial Analyst

Stefan Simon
GIS Developer
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
An Introduction to Cloud Optimized Open GIS Data Formats
Gain insights on the use of Open GIS standard formats to power an organization’s geospatial applications. This hands on workshop will showcase the use of Geopackages to store and analyze a variety of geospatial data. These data will then be published to cloud optimized formats such as Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (COG), Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC), and GeoParquet.
The workshop will be structured in such a way that the workflow will satisfy the requirements of the GIS Developer persona and a GIS Analyst persona.
Registration: $150+tax. For group discounts please email

Regie Alam
Geospatial Analyst

Stefan Simon
GIS Developer
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Wildfire Analysis
Global warming is causing a number of uncontrollable wildfires. Open-Sourced GIS software and Sentinel satellite imagery can be used to determine the rate of wildfire burn and the extent of burnt areas. In this workshop you will use ESA SNAP 9.0.0 and QGIS 3.34.3 to perform the Analysis.
Registration: $100+tax. For group discounts please email

Eric Purdie
GIS Analyst
EABP Geospatial Consulting Inc.
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Ottawa Gatineau Flood Analysis
Global warming is leading to the increased risk of flooding. Open-Sourced GIS software and datasets such as LiDAR point file, Synthetic Aperture RADAR can help determine which areas are susceptible to flooding and predict future flooding impacts. In this workshop you will be using ESA SNAP 9.0.0 and QGIS 3.34.3 to perform the analysis.
Registration: $100+tax. For group discounts please email

Eric Purdie
GIS Analyst
EABP Geospatial Consulting Inc.
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Supervised Classification Analysis
In this workshop you will learn how to identify different land cover types using satellite imagery spectral band information and classify the land types using QGIS, Orfeo Toolbox Deep Learning Toolsets.
Registration: $100+tax. For group discounts please email

Eric Purdie
GIS Analyst
EABP Geospatial Consulting Inc.
May 15th, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Utility Map Sharing With MultiViewer to Build Utility Infrastructure Faster & Safer
Utilities, telecoms and municipalities are faced with increasing pressure to build infrastructure faster to meet the demands of new provincial legislature. The building broadband, transit and new homes faster acts were enacted to support the ever increasing needs of Canadian population growth from immigration. Learning how to securely faciliate the expansion of utility services required to meet the needs of a growing population is something that all utility, telecom and municipal interests must adapt to succeed. Utility map sharing is now being enforced by Ontario One Call. The MultiViewer utility map sharing platform by Planview USL is the de facto standard in Ontario. This workshop will show you what MultiViewer does, what it solves for, the beneficial outcomes of using it, how to use it and how to get started. Empower your utility construction processes safely and securely with MultiViewer.
Registration is required for this complimentary workshop.

Liz Neziol

Sydney O'Neill