GeoIgnite thanks our past attendees 2019-2023
Industry Participants
- 1Spatial Inc.
- 21 AT Canada
- 3D Planeta Inc.
- 3D Wave Design
- 3DLS
- 43 Degrees North
- 4DM Inc.
- 4M-Analytics
- AB Ltd
- Acosys Consulting Service Inc
- Aero-Photos
- Aeroview Technologies Inc.
- AgCon Aerial Corp
- Airborne Imaging Inc.
- Airbus Defence and Space
- Allister Jones Co. Ltd.
- alphainsights
- Altus HR
- A-MAPS Environmental
- Amazon Web Services
- Angus GeoSolutions Inc. (AGSI)
- Annis Vollebekk Ltd
- Antaragrafik Systems
- APP Sinarmas Forestry
- Applanix Corporation
- Armur Capital Corporation
- Arup Canada Inc
- Arup Group
- ASG Mapping Ltd
- ASL Environmental Sciences
- Aspen Planers Ltd
- Association of Geospatial Industries
- Association of Ontario Land Surveyors
- AstroAgency Limited
- Astrosat
- ATCO Electric
- Atlas AI
- Atlis
- Attain Insight Solutions Inc.
- Aurora Consulting
- Aurora Geosciences Ltd.
- Avenza Systems, Inc
- B3K Digital
- Barkley Project Group
- Base Mapping
- Beachcomber Management
- Beacon
- BeauxBox Ltd
- Benevity
- BhuSatyam Technologies
- Blue Marble Geographics
- Bolt Technology OÜ
- Bonnefield
- Boston Geospatial
- buildingSMART Canada
- Business Geografic – Ciril GROUP
- Canada Guaranty
- Can-Explore
- Cansel
- Cardinalus Corporate
- Consulting/ClearSky Connect
- CARDON Group
- CartoVista
- Catalyst Earth
- Cedarleaf Inc
- Centre for Newcomers
- Challenger Geomatics Ltd.
- Circle CRM Group Inc.
- Ciril GROUP
- Clark Geomatics
- ClearSky Connect Inc.
- Comtech Group Inc
- Condux International
- Consortech
- Consulting/ClearSky Connect
- CoreLogic
- Craig-Neil & Co.
- Croswell-Schulte IT
- Cruxstone Dynamics Limited
- CTQ Consultants
- CubeWerx Inc.
- Decisive Farming
- Deploy Software Solutions
- DG Biddle & Associates
- Dougan & Associates
- Draganfly Innovations Inc.
- Drone-To-Business Platform
- DWD (German Meteorological
- Services)Eagle GIS
- Ecometrica
- Edge-Pro For Information
- Effigis Geo-Solutions inc.
- EllisDon
- Engineering
- Entsorgungsbetriebe der
- Enview
- Eos Positioning Systems
- EPCOR Utilities
- Esri Canada Limited
- Estok Consulting Inc.
- Euroconsult Canada
- exactEarth Ltd
- excelITR
- EY centre
- Farley, Smith and Denis Surveying Ltd.
- Farmers Edge
- Feaver’s Lane Enterprises Inc.
- First Base Solutions Inc.
- Fluvial Systems Research Inc.
- Forest protection limited
- Forsite Consultants Ltd
- Fugro Roadware
- GA Geo
- Geo Oil Energy
- GeoCat Canada LTD
- Geocortex by VertiGIS
- GeoData Design
- Geomedia Inc.
- Geophoton Inc.
- Georadix
- GeoScan
- Geospatial Media and Communications
- GeoSpatial Strategy Group
- Geospatial Training Solutions
- Geospatial World
- Geospro
- GEOSPRO Geographic Infomation Systems
- Geotrek Integrated Services
- GeoVerra
- GHD Group
- GHGSat Inc.
- GIS of NADia
- GISKernel Technologies LLP
- GISPartner
- Gispo Ltd.
- Global Geospatial Group
- Global Grid Systems
- GM BluePlan Engineering
- GMDK Inc
- go. Spectral
- Graicells
- Greater Toronto Airports
- Grenadine Technologies
- GreyJay Energy
- Groundtruth Exploration
- GVB Geomatics Pvt Ltd
- H2i
- Habitat Seven
- Hala energy
- Halff
- Haryana Space Applications
- Hatfield Consultants
- HEAD Aerospace
- Health Innovations Hub
- Hemmera/Ausenco
- HERE Technologies
- Hesperus Arts
- Hexagon Geospatial
- hseQhr Department Inc.
- Hyperion Consulting Services
- IBI Geomatics
- IBW Surveyors
- Iceye
- IHS Markit
- ImStrat Corporation
- Information/Geomatics
- InfoSat
- Insurance Bureau of Canada
- Integeo Canada
- Intergraph Corporation
- Invest Ottawa
- IRC Building Sciences Group
- J. R. Finnie Ontario Land
- J.H. Anspach Consulting
- Jacobs Engineering Group
- Jonathan Pierre
- Julie Witmer Custom Map
- KASI Aviation
- KBM Resources Group
- Kelyn Technologies
- KIDCO Construction LTD
- Kier Surveys
- Kleos Space
- Kongsberg Geospatial
- KorrAI
- Kuva Systems
- Kwusen Research & Media
- Landcor Data Corporation
- Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden
- Larsen & Toubro
- Leading Edge Geomatics
- Leaf Space
- Learning Bird
- Leica Geosystems
- Lektoy survey services
- Licker Geospatial Consulting
- LiDARist Co. Ltd.
- Living Lighting Beaches
- Localintel
- Location Intelligence & Design
- Locusview
- Lux Aerobot
- Lux Modus
- Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office – NY
- Magellan Aerospace
- Malroz Engineering
- Mapbox
- Mapillary Inc
- MapSherpa
- Matrix Solutions Inc
- Maxar Technologies
- McElhanney
- MDA Geospatial Services International
- MEI Micro, Inc.
- MetaData Solutions ABC
- Metric Engineering of Puerto Rico
- Milsat technologies
- Mindtree
- Minerva Intelligence Inc
- MOBIA Technology Innovations
- MVT Geosolutions
- N. E. Parrott Surveys Ltd
- Nanoimage Consulting
- NeoGeoinfo Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- NewfoundView
- Nokia
- Nooji Geomatics Corp
- North Coal Ltd
- NV5 Geospatial
- OGL Engineering
- Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec
- Orta Technologies
- Pacific Geomatics Ltd
- Pacific GIS Consulting
- Pars Oil And Gas Company
- Patagona Technologies
- PATTISON Outdoor
- PCI Geomatics
- Pela Global Limited
- Planet Labs PBC
- Planetary Remote Sensing Inc
- Planit Measuring
- Planview Utility Services Limited
- Platform voor InformatieBeveiliging
- PLDSpace
- Polaris Geosolutions
- Politecnico di torino
- Praxiem
- Presagis
- Prisum Technologies
- Private Limited
- Proceq Asia
- Professional Surveyors Canada
- Prostar
- PSD CityWide
- Pyxis Geotech
- Qen Labs Inc.
- Quantum Spatial Canada Inc.
- Rabbitwerx Consulting
- Raytheon Canada
- Reduct NV
- Remotely Piloted Aircraft System
- Resson
- Reveal
- RHEA Inc.
- RiverCross Technologies
- Rocket Factory Augsburg
- Rod Radar
- Rogers Communications
- RouteAbility, MapLab
- SafeGraph
- SAGIE inc.
- Sambus Geospatial
- SaskTel
- Satellogic
- SATPALDA Geospatial Services
- Scott Land & Lease Ltd.
- SensorUp
- Sepsa
- Servinformacion
- SkyWatch
- SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring
- Solstice Canada Corp.
- Space Alpha Insights
- Space Intelligence Ltd
- Spacety Luxembourg
- Sparkgeo Consulting Inc.
- Spatial Networks
- Spatial Technologies
- Squadrone Infra & Mining
- Stingray Group Inc.
- StraTopo
- Strider Energy Ventures Ltd.
- Suncor Energy Inc.
- Sustainable Enterprise Alliance
- Symroc
- Systems
- T2 Utility Engineers Inc.
- Tabulae Spatial
- Tallysman
- Tarin Resource Services
- TCarta
- TD CanadaTrust
- Teledyne Optech
- Telik Developments
- Terra Remote
- Terramera Inc.
- Terris Earth Intelligence
- Tesera Systems
- Tetra Tech
- The Icon Group
- Thor Systems Inc.
- Thurber Engineering
- TMAC Resources Inc.
- TomTom
- Totalview
- Trans Mountain Canada
- TRE Altamira Inc
- TrueNorth Drones
- Tulloch Geomatics Inc.
- Tulloch Mapping
- Türksat
- Umbra
- Unibap AB
- Urban Cognition
- UrtheCast
- Utility Survey Exchange Ltd
- Vale Canada Limited
- Velocity Group
- vertiGIS
- Vexcel
- VistaCare Communications
- Vitruvi
- V-Labs
- WCGroup
- WebGIS 2.0
- West Earth Sciences
- Western Heritage Services
- Westmount Emprise Inc
- Wood PLC
- WSP Golder
- Wyvern Space
- Yondr Group
Government Participants
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Canada Center for Remote Sensing
- Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
- Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
- Canada Energy Regulator
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canadian Armed Forces
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Canadian Geodetic Survey
- Canadian Heritage
- Canadian Hydrographic Service
- Canadian Ice Service
- Canadian Joint Warfare Centre
- Canadian Space Agency
- Communications Research Centre Canada
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
- Defence Construction Canada
- Defence R&D Canada
- Department of Economic Development
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Department of Lands
- Department of National Defence
- Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development
- Elections Canada
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- Environment & Climate Change Canada
- Federal Signal Corporation
- Geological Survey of Canada
- Geospatial Commission UK
- German Aerospace Center
- Global Geospatial Group
- Government of Botswana
- Government of Canada
- Government of Canada, Employment and Skills Development Canada
- Grenoble-Alpes Métropole – France
- Health Canada
- Human Resources and social Development Canada
- Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
- Indigenous Services Canada
- Infrastructure Canada
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
- International Joint Commission
- Justice Canada
- Kenya High Commission
- Library of Parliament
- Mapping and Charting Establishment
- Metrolinx
- Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries; Trinidad & Tobago
- Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (Saudi Arabia)
- National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
- National Capital Commission
- National Research Council Canada
- Natural Resources & Northern Development
- Natural Resources Canada
- Nav Canada
- Navy of Ecuador
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency
- Petroleum Authority of Uganda
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Safety Canada
- Public Services and Procurement Canada
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Service Canada
- Singapore-ETH Centre
- Statistics Canada
- Surveyor General Branch
- Tetratech ARD – Integrated Land and Resource Governance
- Transport Canada
- U.S. Department of Interior’s National Geospatial Advisory Committee
- U.S. Department of State
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- United States Air Force
- United States General Services Administration
- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
- Alberta Data Partnerships
- Alberta Energy Regulator
- Alberta Environment and Parks
- Alberta Geological Survey
- Alberta Health Services
- Association of Nova Scotia Land Surveyors
- BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
- BC Provincial Government
- BC Public Service
- British Columbia Provincial Government
- British Columbia Public Service
- Centre de Géomatique du Québec
- Colorado State
- Department of Economic Development and Transportation (Nunavut)
- Emergency Management Ontario
- Environments and Parks (Alberta)
- GeoBC
- GeoNova
- GeoNOVA – Government of Nova Scotia
- GNWT Centre for Geomatics
- Gouvernement du Quebec
- Government of Alberta
- Government of Alberta Environment and Parks
- Government of British Columbia
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Government of Northwest Territories
- Government of Northwest Territories Centre for Geomatics
- Government of Nova Scotia
- Government of Nunavut
- Government of Ontario
- Government of Saskatchewan
- Heritage Village
- Infrastructure Ontario
- Land Title and Survey Authority of BC
- Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development
- Manitoba Government
- Manitoba Hydro
- Manitoba Infrastructure
- Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development
- Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles du Québec
- Ministère de l’Environnement et de Lutte contre les changements climatiques
- Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries; Trinidad & Tobago
- Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
- Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (BC)
- Ministry of Indigenous Affairs (Ontario)
- Ministry of Infrastructure
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Ontario)
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (Ontario)
- Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry
- Ministry of Social Services
- Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (Ontario)
- Ministry of Transportation Ontario
- Monitoring Institute
- Northern Development Mines Natural Resources and Forestry
- Nova Scotia Department of Environment
- Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry
- Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables
- Nova Scotia Government
- NS Lands Inc.
- Ontario Clean Water Agency
- Ontario Government
- Ontario Ministry Energy Northern Development Mines
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry
- Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation & Parks
- Ontario Ministry of Transportation
- Ontario Public Service
- Ordre des arpenteurs-geometres du Quebec
- PEI Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy
- Prince Edward County
- Province of Nova Scotia
- Province of Ontario
- Provincial Mapping Unit
- Provincial Office of Geomatics Coordination
- Resources and Forestry Ontario
- Saskatchewan Water Security Agency
- Service New Brunswick
- Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario (STSCO)
- Virginia Department of Transportation
- Yukon Government
- Aeroports de Montreal
- Brazeau County
- Cape Breton Regional Municipality
- Chatham-Kent Municipality
- City of Abbotsford
- City of Airdrie
- City of Barrie
- City of Brampton
- City of Brantford
- City of Calgary
- City of Charlottetown
- City of Coquitlam
- City of Corner Brook
- City of Edmonton
- City of Greater Sudbury
- City of Hamilton
- City of Kamloops
- City of Kingston
- City of Kitchener
- City of London
- City of Markham
- City of Mississauga
- City of Moncton
- City of Montreal
- City of Ottawa
- City of Peterborough
- City of Philadelphia
- City of Red Deer
- City of Saint John
- City of Saskatoon
- City of Vancouver
- City of Waterloo
- City of Winnipeg – Geomatics and Land Information Services
- Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal
- Conservation Halton
- Conservation Sudbury
- County of Simcoe
- District of Muskoka
- Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Board
- Edmonton Police Service
- Ganaraska Conservation
- Grand Council Treaty #3
- Grand River Conservation Authority
- Greater Fredericton Social Innovation
- Halifax Water
- Haryana space applications centre Hisar
- Kativik regional government
- Local Government Engineering Department
- Malahide Township
- Montreal Metropolitan Community
- Municipal District of Greenview
- Municipality of Clarington
- Municipality of the County of Kings
- Municipality of the District of Chester
- Niagara Escarpment Commission
- Niagara Region
- Nigeria Geological Survey Agency
- Parkland Community Planning Services
- Parkland County
- Pierce County Planning and Public Works
- Prince Edward County
- Regional District of Central Kootenay
- Regional Municipality of Niagara
- Resort Municipality of Whistler
- Secretaría de Desarrollo Regional y Agropecuario
- Strathcona County
- Sturgeon County
- Sustainable Cobourg
- Thompson-Nicola Regional District
- Toronto Police Service
- Toronto Region Board of Trade
- Town of Blue Mountains
- Town of Cochrane
- Town of Stettler
- Town of Stoney Plain
- Township of South Glengarry
- Township of The Archipelago
- United Counties of Leeds and Grenville
- Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
- Vaudreuil-Soulanges Regional County Municipality
- Ville de Quebec
- York Region
NGO & First Nation Participants
- Aerospace Valley
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
- Arctic Eider Society
- ArcticNet
- Association of Canada Lands Surveyors
- Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
- BC Lake Stewardship Society
- BeSpatial Ontario
- Between the Poles
- Canada Post
- Canadian Cartographic Association
- Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
- Canadian Red Cross
- Canadian Space Society
- CanBIM
- Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
- Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal
- Development Seed
- Doig River First Nation
- Economy Project
- File Hills Qu’appelle Tribal
- First Nations Emergency Services Society of British Columbia
- fRI Research
- FrontierSI
- Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia
- Georgian Bay Forever
- Global Covenant of Mayors
- Information Services Corp
- Institut national de la recherche scientifique
- Integrated Cadastral Information Society
- Interior Health
- Kwanlin Dün First Nation
- Kwantlen First Nation
- Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance
- Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
- Newcomer Youth Green
- Nigeria Flying Labs Southwest Hub
- Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists
- Open Geospatial Consortium
- Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital
- Royal Canadian Geographical Society
- Saulteau First Nations
- SharedGeo
- Siksika Land and Resources Management
- South Nation Conservation
- SpaceQ
- The Arctic Eider Society and SmartICE
- The Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia
- The United Nations Office for Project Services
- The World Bank Group
- Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
- Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History foundation
- Waabnoong Bemjiwang Association of First Nations
- Whitefish River First Nation
- WikiHistoryMaps
- Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
- World Geospatial Industry Council
Academic Participants
- Ain Shams University
- Algonquin College
- Applied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG)
- Assiniboine College
- Baker Consulting/Texas Tech
- Bangladesh Open University
- Bedford Institute of Oceanography
- British Columbia Institute of Geomatics
- British Columbia Institute of Technology
- Brock University
- Canadian Association of Geographers
- Canadian Geographic Education
- Carleton University
- Cees punjab university lahore pakistan
- Centre of Geographic Sciences
- College of Engineering Guindy
- College of the North Atlantic Office of Applied Research and Innovation
- Computer Research Institute of Montreal
- Concordia University
- Coquitlam College
- Dalhousie
- Divestco Geoscience
- Ecole Polytechnique de THIES
- Edmonton Public School Board
- Fanshawe College
- Fleming College
- Hacettepe University
- Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Central
- Houston Community College
- Iloilo Science and Technology University
- Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
- Indiana University
- Indira Gandhi National Open University
- Institut de la Recherche Scientifique
- Institut des Sciences de la Forêt tempérée – Université du Québec en Outaouais
- Institute for Earth and Space Exploration
- Institute of Geo-Information and Earth Observation, P.M.A.S-Arid Agriculture University
- Istanbul Technical University
- Ivey Business School
- Izmir Katip Celebi University
- Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
- Kerala Technological University.
- La Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
- Ladies of Landsat and McGill University
- Lakehead University
- Lasbela University of Agriculture
- Le Centre d’enseignement et de recherche en foresterie
- Lethbridge College
- Louisiana State University
- Loyalist College
- Mansoura University
- McMaster University
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Miami University
- Michigan Technological University
- Mie University
- Mining University
- Minnesota Geological Survey
- Mount Royal University
- Niagara college
- Nipissing University
- Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
- Nova Scotia Community College
- NWT Centre for Geomatics
- Ontario Tech University
- Ottawa University
- Polytechnique Montréal
- Population Data BC
- Queens University
- Royal Canadian Geographical Society
- Royal Roads University
- Saint Mary’s University
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic
- Selkirk College
- Sheridan College
- Simon Fraser University
- Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
- SRTM University
- Sultan Moulay Slimane University
- Technische Universitat Dortmund
- Telangana university
- Texas State University
- The Concord School
- The University of British Columbia
- The University of Melbourne
- Thompson Rivers University
- Toronto Catholic District School Board
- Trakya University
- Trent University
- Unesp ProfÁgua Estudent
- Universidad De Santiago de Chile
- Universidade Estadual de Londrina
- Universidade Federal do Paraná
- Université du Québec
- Université Laval
- University of Alberta
- University of British Columbia
- University of Calgary
- University of Chicago
- University of Guelph
- University of Jaén Spain
- University of Maine
- University of Manitoba
- University of New Brunswick
- University of Northern British Columbia
- University of Ottawa
- University of Ottawa
- University of Prince Edward Island
- University of Regina
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of Southern California
- University of Thessaly
- University of Toronto
- University Of Victoria
- University of Waterloo
- University, Uttarakhand, India
- Virginia Tech
- Western University
- Wilfrid Laurier University
- York University
- Yukon University
- ZIelona Góra University, Laboratory of Gepsiatial Analyses